Friday, November 25, 2005

My Gangster...


I have been holding back on some information that could be “the” turning point in my life. Do you like how I just casually slipped this “News Flash” in? Once again, I do it to avoid the freak-out factor inside of me erupting. But then again, in this instance I am not freaking out for some reason. Everything just seems to be smooth sailing for now. And no, this post is not about me taking sailing lessons either!

I do not want to get too hopeful, just in case everything comes crashing down on me. It could be another hopeful moment that will be lost in time. So here the story goes…

About 2 weeks ago, a really sweet and funny gangster swayed my way. As the usual circumstance goes, this was not expected whatsoever! Within the past 2 weeks, things have just gone from good to better Alhamdulilah! I am not getting my hopes up too high though, just in case everything comes crashing down on me (once again).

I won’t go into specifics, seeing that specifics would only really need to go into a REAL diary (if I had one), rather than my virtual diary (blog) for everyone to read!!

And you know what the best news is?! This guy doesn’t have a major complexity/complication/defect as all of the others have!! Well actually, there is one major complication, but that can be worked on if Allah permits and it has nothing to do with him as a person. SubhanAllah!!

Oh, and to the anonymous dude who hounded me in my post regarding Eye Sour Lolly by littering my comments section with insults (before I skilfully deleted them): It looks like I am not superficial after all! I just needed to find the right guy. I wasn’t drawn to this guy solely based on his looks (although he is cute!), yet was drawn to him based on his character. Alhamdulilah he has the basis there to be a very strong Muslim Insh’Allah, one where we can learn and grow together in our imaan.

So to my gangster: YO YO YO and all that jazz. Let the good times roll InshAllah...

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