Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Why ‘Veiled Ninja’?

Okay, well I have been alerted by my siblings, that they absolutely cannot stand ‘Veiled Ninja’, as my alias through my posts. They have muttered words such as “violence…psycho…” saying that my alias would bring on all of these thoughts to those who view my blog at first glance. I agree with them, now that I have given it more thought, to a certain extent, but wouldn’t tell them this of course. Perhaps the alias is somewhat deceiving, but to those who read into my posts further, you will get an understanding of what I’m all about.

I am obviously a veiled Muslim lady, dressing modestly in my clothing, and wearing the lil head covering that everyone fusses over, hence where the ‘Veiled’ bit comes into the equation. Secondly, I am a lil feisty one at times, full of energy and stamina, and I fight through my words (if need be) rather than invoking physical violence (I got over that stage when my younger brother grew taller than I, and I knew my girly strength would be nothing compared to his), hence where the ‘Ninja’ part comes into it. Also, I have heard the term ninja used to describe Muslim women before, whether they be donning the hijab or the niqaab (face covering). Maybe my humor is just whacked out, but I actually find that quite funny.

So, this one is to the lady who looked at me funny in the supermarket once (yes, my memory serves me well at times). I glanced up at her as if to say “what are you staring at?”, whilst a whole pyramid of tissue boxes on promotional display simultaneously came crashing down behind her. She looked shocked, perhaps thinking I put a spell on her! Well lady, I don’t do spells, but it serves you right – gawking at someone is very very rude!! Dear lady in the supermarket, don’t you know that you cannot muck around with the Veiled Ninja?

I am now left smirking at the stupidity of my alias (as my feet do their own thing by escaping me under my work desk and practicing some ninja kicks!).


Nilk said...

I think it's a great name. Yes, you wear a veil (or hijab), but that doesn't mean you are cowed. :) You should never lose your strenth and sense of who you are, regardless of what gets thrown at you.

Also, I don't know whether my thoughts are welcome to, but my best wishes and prayers go with you and your family for your nana. Facing the death of a loved one is never easy (my mum died four years ago), but it is a special time that can strengthen us all.

Barb Ess said...


Hah -- well, when I saw your name and realized who you were, I got a kick out of your nick. :)

Siblings. You gotta love 'em, 'cause, well, they'll drive you mad otherwise.

Minime said...

Nilknarf: Of course your thoughts and best wishes are welcome. Thank you for your support :)

b: You scared me when you wrote that you realized who I was. I was like "oh, do I know her?!". I think I understand what you meant though, hehe.

Nana update: she is quite stable, talking more yet still 'critical'. I'm spending every night at the hospital so I am monitoring her closely.

Sujith said...

cool! so thts how this name came into existence ;-)

Barb Ess said...


Didn't mean to scare you! Don't really "know" who you are, of course...would be a tad difficult since you are in OZ and I am in the US. ;)